Tlhahlobo ea molao-motheo oa module ea photoelectric ea Mach Zehnder modulator

Tlhahlobo ea molao-motheo oa mojule oa photoelectricModulator ea Mach Zehnder

Modulator ea elektro-optical Mach-Zehnder modulator

Taba ea pele, mohopolo oa mantlha oa Mach Zehnder modulator

Modulator ea Mach-Zehnder ke mochine oa optical o sebelisoang ho fetola matshwao a motlakase hore e be matshwao a optical. Molao-motheo oa eona oa ts'ebetso o thehiloe holim'a phello ea electro-optical, ka tšimo ea motlakase ho laola index ea refractive ea leseli bohareng ho finyella ho feto-fetoha ha leseli, ke ho arola leseli le kenang ka lipontšo tse peli tse lekanang makaleng a mabeli a optical a modulator.
Lisebelisoa tse sebelisoang makaleng ana a mabeli a optical ke lisebelisoa tsa electro-optical, tseo index ea tsona ea refractive e fapaneng le boholo ba pontšo ea motlakase e sebelisoang ka ntle. Kaha phetoho ea index ea refractive ea lekala la optical e tla baka phetoho ea mohato oa pontšo, ha qetello ea tlhahiso ea modulator ea matšoao a mabeli a makala a kopantsoe hape, pontšo ea optical e entsoeng e tla ba letšoao la ho kena-kenana le phetoho ea matla, e lekanang le ho fetola. phetoho ea lets'oao la motlakase ho fetoha ha lets'oao la optical, le ho hlokomela ho feto-fetoha ha matla a khanya. Ka bokhutšoanyane, modulator e ka lemoha ho feto-fetoha ha lihlopha tse fapaneng tsa mahlakoreng ka ho laola matla a eona a leeme.

Ea bobeli, karolo eaModulator ea Mach-Zehnder

Modulator ea Mach-Zehnder e sebelisoa haholo hopuisano ea fiber ea opticalle masimo a mang. Lipuisanong tsa fiber optic, mats'oao a dijithale a hloka ho fetoloa matšoao a optical bakeng sa phetisetso, 'me li-modulator tsa Machzender li ka fetolela matšoao a motlakase hore e be matšoao a optical. Karolo ea eona ke ho fihlella phetiso ea mats'oao ka lebelo le holimo le boleng bo holimo lits'ebetsong tsa puisano tsa fiber optical.

Modulator ea Mach Zehnder e ka boela ea sebelisoa bakeng sa lipatlisiso tsa liteko lefapheng lalisebelisoa tsa optoelectronic. Ka mohlala, e ka sebelisoa ho etsa mehloli ea leseli e lumellanang le ho kenya ts'ebetsong ts'ebetso ea photon e le 'ngoe.

Ea boraro, litšobotsi tsa Mach Zehnder modulator

1. Mach Zehnder modulator e ka fetola matšoao a motlakase hore e be lipontšo tsa optical ho finyella lebelo le phahameng, la boleng bo phahameng ba ho fetisa matšoao.

2. Ha modulator e sebetsa, e hloka ho sebelisoa le lisebelisoa tse ling tse kang mehloli ea leseli, lisebelisoa tsa leseli, joalo-joalo, ho theha mokhoa o feletseng oa puisano oa optical fiber.

3. Mach Zehnder modulator e na le litšobotsi tsa lebelo la ho arabela ka potlako le tšebeliso e tlaase ea matla, e ka finyellang litlhoko tsa puisano e potlakileng.

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【 Qetello 】

Modulator ea Mach Zehnder ke eoptical modulatorse sebedisoang ho fetola sesupo sa motlakase hore se be sesupo sa optical. Karolo ea eona ke ho fihlella phetiso ea mats'oao ka lebelo le holimo, le boleng bo holimo libakeng tse kang puisano ea fiber ea optical. Mach zender modulator e na le litšobotsi tsa karabelo e potlakileng le tšebeliso e tlase ea matla, 'me ke e' ngoe ea lisebelisoa tsa bohlokoahali tsamaisong ea puisano ea fiber optical.

Nako ea poso: Sep-21-2023