Active intelligent terahertz electro-optic modulator e ntlafalitsoe ka katleho

Selemong se fetileng, sehlopha sa Sheng Zhigao, mofuputsi Setsing sa High Magnetic Field sa Hefei Institute of Physical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, se ile sa hlahisa mochine o sebetsang le o bohlale oa terahertz electro-optic modulator e itšetlehileng ka boemo bo tsitsitseng ba matla a matla a khoheli sesebelisoa. Patlisiso e phatlalalitsoe ho ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.

Leha thekenoloji ea terahertz e na le litšobotsi tse phahameng tsa spectral le tebello ea ts'ebeliso e pharalletseng, ts'ebeliso ea eona ea boenjiniere e ntse e lekanyelitsoe haholo ke nts'etsopele ea lisebelisoa tsa terahertz le likarolo tsa terahertz. Har'a bona, taolo e sebetsang le e bohlale ea leqhubu la terahertz ka tšimo ea kantle ke tataiso ea bohlokoa ea lipatlisiso lefapheng lena.

E ipapisitse le tataiso ea morao-rao ea lipatlisiso tsa likarolo tsa mantlha tsa terahertz, Sehlopha sa lipatlisiso se thehile modulator ea khatello ea maikutlo ea terahertz e ipapisitseng le graphene ea likarolo tse peli [Adv. Optical Mater. 6, 1700877(2018)], Terahertz broadband photocontrolled modulator e thehiloeng ho oxide e matla e amanang le eona [ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 12, Kamora 48811(2020)] le mohloli o mocha oa terahertz o thehiloeng ho phonon-frequency e le 'ngoe [Advanced Science 9, 2103229(2021)], filimi e amanang le electron oxide vanadium dioxide e khethiloe e le lera le sebetsang, sebopeho sa mekhahlelo e mengata. moralo le mokhoa oa ho laola elektroniki lia amoheloa. Multifunctional modulation e sebetsang ea phetisetso ea terahertz, ho bonahatsa le ho monya e fihletsoe (Setšoantšo a). Liphello li bontša hore ho phaella ho transmittance le absorptivity, mokhoa oa ho bonahatsa le ho bonahatsa o ka boela oa laoloa ka mafolofolo ke sebaka sa motlakase, moo botebo ba ho feto-fetoha ha maikutlo bo ka fihlang ho 99.9% 'me mohato oa ho bonahatsa o ka fihla ~ 180o modulation (Setšoantšo sa b) . Ho khahlisang le ho feta, ho fihlela taolo ea motlakase ea terahertz e bohlale, bafuputsi ba ile ba etsa sesebelisoa se nang le "terahertz - electric-terahertz" feedback loop (Setšoantšo sa c). Ho sa tsotelehe liphetoho tse teng maemong a ho qala le tikoloho ea kantle, sesebelisoa se bohlale se ka fihlela boleng ba modulation oa terahertz ka metsotsoana e ka bang 30.

(a) Setšoantšo sa moralo oaelectro optic modulatore thehiloe ho VO2

(b) liphetoho tsa transmittance, reflectivity, absorptivity and reflection phase with a impressed current

(c) setšoantšo sa moralo oa taolo e bohlale

Nts'etsopele ea terahertz e sebetsang le e bohlalemochine oa motlakase oa motlakasee thehiloeng ho thepa ea elektronike e amanang le eona e fana ka maikutlo a macha bakeng sa ho phethahala ha taolo e bohlale ea terahertz. Mosebetsi ona o ne o tšehetsoa ke Lenaneo la Sechaba la Lipatlisiso le Ntšetso-pele, Motheo oa Sechaba oa Saense ea Tlhaho le Letlōle la Tsamaiso ea Tsamaiso ea Magnetic Field Laboratory ea Anhui Profinseng.

Nako ea poso: Aug-08-2023